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ABB 800KV分站加強委內(nèi)瑞拉電網(wǎng)建設(shè)



導語:ABB 800KV分站加強委內(nèi)瑞拉電網(wǎng)建設(shè)

兩個分站都是委內(nèi)瑞拉800KV電網(wǎng)輸送新擴建的一部分,將位于東南部古里水力發(fā)電站產(chǎn)出的10000兆瓦的電傳送到西北部的工業(yè)和人口聚集中心。 擴建部分包括一條建于25年前現(xiàn)存的兩個800KV分站之間的800KV電力輸送線路。ABB在交鑰匙工程基礎(chǔ)之上擴展并更新這兩個分站,集成現(xiàn)存先進的ABB800KV設(shè)備技術(shù)的第三方組件。此客戶是委內(nèi)瑞拉最大的電力實體公司Edelca。 在此交鑰匙合同中,ABB還負責工程、建筑、管理和兩個分站的試運行,以及保證項目能準時完成,為2008年7月的傳送做好準備。 提供世界級的800KV電網(wǎng) 盡管ABB已經(jīng)向包括巴西、加拿大、俄羅斯、南非、韓國和美國在內(nèi)的國家提供過800KV的電力變壓器和高壓設(shè)備,但這還是第一次有幸獲得此高壓交鑰匙工程。 ABB在高壓和超高壓輸電方面擁有強大的技術(shù)和市場,在世界范圍內(nèi)的直流和交流高壓電網(wǎng)傳輸方面都占據(jù)領(lǐng)導地位。作為此超前技術(shù)的創(chuàng)新者使800KV低損失輸電成為可能。 這些技術(shù)包括ABB于去年開發(fā)的HVDC(高壓直流)技術(shù)和使ABB成為快速傳輸400KV,500KV和800KV的FACTS(靈活的直流傳輸系統(tǒng)) 幫助Edelca輸送清潔的能源 古里水壩是世界第二大水力發(fā)電站,并為委內(nèi)瑞拉800KV電力傳輸系統(tǒng)供電。ABB目前正在為20個發(fā)電機組更新控制、保護和儀器系統(tǒng),并為發(fā)電站內(nèi)三個高壓開關(guān)場的230/400/800 kV部分開關(guān)設(shè)備提供現(xiàn)代化改造。
ABB還為 Edelca提供了幾個400KV和230KV分站。這些分站中最重要之一就是為2,160 MW水力發(fā)電站提供服務(wù)。在委內(nèi)瑞拉和巴西之間的輸電連接有兩個分站,一個是400KV,一個是230KV,已在2001年建成并投入使用。 [font=times]original text [/font]
[font=times]ABB‘s 800 kV substations strengthen Venezuelan power grid [/font]
[font=times][color=#708090]The two substations are part of a new extension to Venezuela’s 800 kV transmission grid that delivers power from the 10,000 megawatt Guri hydropower plant in the southeast of the country to industrial and population centers in the northwest. The extension consists of an additional 800 kV power line between two existing 800 kV substations that were built some 25 years ago. ABB will expand and upgrade the two substations on a turnkey basis, integrating existing third-party components with state-of-the-art ABB 800 kV equipment. The customer is Edelca, Venezuela’s largest electric utility. Within the turnkey contract ABB is also responsible for engineering, erection, managing and commissioning both substation projects, as well as ensuring that completion takes place exactly on time, ready for transmission in July 2008. Supplying the world’s 800 kV grids Although ABB has previously supplied 800 kV power transformers and high voltage equipment to countries with 800 kV systems - including Brazil, Canada, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the United States - this is the first time that ABB has been awarded a turnkey substation contract for the extra high voltage rating. ABB has a longstanding position as the market and technology leader in extra-high and ultra-high voltage power transmission, both in the delivery of AC and DC bulk transmission systems to power grids all over the world and as the innovator of groundbreaking technologies that make reliable and low-loss transmission at 800 kV possible. These technologies include HVDC (high-voltage direct current), for which ABB last year opened the world’s first testing facility for 800 kV; and FACTS (flexible AC transmission systems), which enabled ABB to be first to develop transmission systems for 400 kV, 500 kV and progressively up to 800 kV. Helping Edelca deliver clean hydropower The Guri dam is the world’s second largest hydropower plant, and generates the power for Venezuela’s 800 kV transmission system. ABB is currently upgrading the control, protection and instrumentation systems of the 20 generating units, and is modernizing part of the 230/400/800 kV switchgear in the plant’s three high-voltage switchyards. ABB has also supplied several 400 kV and 230 kV substations to Edelca. One of the most important of these is the substation for the 2,160 MW Caruachi hydropower plant, which was connected to the grid in 2004. The power transmission interconnection between Venezuela and Brazil, with two substations at 400 kV and one at 230 kV, was built and delivered by ABB in 2001.[/color][/font]










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